
Has your family been growing and you need more room? Learn more about finding the right contractor for a home renovation.


Ply Board Flooring: What’s In It for Homeowners?

21 December 2016
Construction & Contractors, Blog

One of the most important features of any home is the floors. If you are thinking about building a new home, your floors are therefore one installation you will need to choose wisely. One of the newest flooring options available on the construction market today is ply board flooring. Read on to find out why you should consider this type of flooring for your new home construction project. Heat insulation
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Overview Of ‘Rooted’ Drainage Problems

21 December 2016
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Leaking drainage pipes are often the first thing that comes to mind when you suddenly realize that you're paying for much more water than you seem to be using. Homeowners often fail to realize that they could be losing water to invasive tree roots as opposed to leaking pipes. If there are no leaky pipes and there's an abundance of trees growing around pipe locations, their roots might be sucking the extra water out of your drain pipes.
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Your Door Won’t Latch? 3 Quick Fixes You Should Try

20 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

The doors are some of the highly used fixtures in your home. This high usage subjects them to some form of wear and tear with time. One of the issues you may experience with your doors is their inability to latch. Having a door that could simply be pushed open without even the need to turn the knob can be risky. For this reason, here are a few things you can do to fix the door that won't latch.
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A New Court: Tennis On Concrete

20 December 2016
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

A backyard tennis court is a solid investment in two ways. You'll get to feed your addiction to the racket sport and if the court is built right, there'll likely be a significant increase on the market value of your property. If you're trying to determine what sort of material to create your court from, consider the advantages of concrete slabs to make your court. Speed And Predictability Various factors will determine how much control you'll have over the outcome of games played on your court.
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Overnight Business Premises Security Measures

19 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

According to official Australian figures, unlawful entry of a structure with the intent to commit an offence is a crime which affects well over 200,000 victims in a typical year. Although the majority of these offences, which includes things like burglary as well as breaking and entering, take place in dwellings, a large proportion of them are concerned with retail units and other business premises. Because most businesses are not operating overnight, it is after you have locked up that your premises become most susceptible to unlawful entry.
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About Me
The Benefits of Using Contractors Around Your Home

When my husband and I bought our house, we didn't realise we would eventually have such as large family. First, we had a little girl, followed by two little boys. Then, somewhat unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant with twins! We love our current property, so we didn't want to move. We decided instead to extend our home to add additional bedrooms and a playroom. We worked closely with various different construction contractors while the job was being completed, and we are really happy with the result. Since then we have used the same contractors to complete many other jobs around our home. This blog is a guide to the benefits of using construction contractors.
